New Game Bestiary List

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Common Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Kobolds kobold body-00020.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Keep of Darkness Caves / Keep of Darkness Horrors
Orcs Orc, body-00017.png Melee / Archer Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Keep of Darkness Horrors / Surface Tower Top / Bloodlands Forest / Animal Caves
Hobgoblins hobgoblin body-00078.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Keep of Darkness Horrors
Trolls troll, Servent of Apep body-00064.png Melee / Archer Kobold Dungeon -300 / Bloodlands Surface
Goblins Child of Gorbin, Favorite of Gorbin body-00031.png Melee / Archer Bloodlands Surface
Minotaurs ethereal minotaur body-00052.png Melee Plane of Water
Skeletons skeleton body-00051.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Surface Tower Mid / Surface Tower Top / Bloodlands Forest
Spectres spectre body-00062.png Melee / Caster Kobold Dungeon -300 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Blood Caves
Ghouls ghoul body-00077.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Blood Caves / Animal Caves / Keep of Darkness -400
Liches lich body-00083.png Melee / Caster Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Bloodlands Surface / Blood Caves
Banshees banshee body-00012.png Melee / Caster Bloodlands Surface / Surface Tower Mid / Bloodlands Forest / Blood Caves / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness Caves / Plane of Dead
Wraiths wraith body-00050.png Melee / Caster Bloodlands Surface
Mummys mummy body-00146.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Bloodlands Forest / Keep of Darkness -400
Abominations abomination body-00246.png Melee Blood Caves / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness Caves / Keep of Darkness Horrors / Plane of Dead
Fishes piranha, ethereal fish body-00013.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -200 / Kobold Dungeon -300 / Bloodlands Surface / Bloodlands Forest / Blood Caves / Animal Caves / Keep of Darkness -500 / Plane of Water
Alligators alligator body-00018.png Melee Plane of Dead
Sharks shark body-00054.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -300 / Bloodlands Surface / Blood Caves / Animal Caves
Lurkers lurker, slime lurker, bloody lurker body-00161.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Bloodlands Forest / Kobold Dungeon -300 / Keep of Darkness -500 / Blood Caves / Animal Caves
Wyvern slime wyvern, bloody wyvern, water wyvern body-00065.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -300 / Bloodlands Surface / Plane of Water
Wolves forest wolf, feral cave wolf body-00024.png Melee Bloodlands Forest / Blood Caves / Animal Caves
Bears bear, forest bear body-00055.png Melee Bloodlands Forest / Animal Caves
Boars forest boar, feral cave boar body-00039.png Melee Bloodlands Forest / Animal Caves
Snakes forest viper body-00053.png Melee Bloodlands Forest
Bats cave bat body-00222.png Melee Blood Caves / Animal Caves / Keep of Darkness -400 / Plane of Dead
Rats rat body-00207.png Melee Plane of Dead
Spiders spider body-00147.png Melee Keep of Darkness Caves
Griffins griffin, bloodthirsty griffin body-00025.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Surface Tower Top / Surface Tower Top / Bloodlands Forest / Plane of Water
Centuars Centuar body-00003.png Melee Bloodlands Forest
Dwellers dweller body-00014.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -300
Statues evil statue body-00099.png Melee / Caster Kobold Dungeon -300
Denizens Denizen of Death body-00212.png Melee / Caster Plane of Dead

Mini-Boss Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Kobolds kobold body-00020.png Melee Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 / Keep of Darkness -400
Hobgoblins Gorbin body-00078.png Melee Bloodlands Surface
Lurkers gigantic lurker, greater fish body-00161.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Plane of Water
Giants Jail Keeper, voracius giant, ethereal giant body-00082.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Surface Tower Top / Plane of Sky / Plane of Water
Hsesponk Novices HsesponkNovice crit-hsesponk.png Melee Bloodlands Surface / Surface Tower Mid / Bloodlands Forest
Hsesponk Masters HsesponkMaster crit-hsesponkmaster.png Melee Keep of Darkness -500
Griffins Ally of Corruption body-00025.png Melee Bloodlands Forest
Demons demon, chaotic demon body-00063.png Melee / Caster Blood Caves / Keep of Darkness -300 / Keep of Darkness -400 / Keep of Darkness Caves / Keep of Darkness Horrors
Serpents Denizen of Darkness body-00237.png Melee Keep of Darkness Final
Yetis Ethereal Yeti body-00067.png Melee Plane of Sky
Spiders ethereal spider body-00147.png Melee Plane of Sky


Common Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Gnolls ?? ?? ?? Blackburrow Surface

Mini-Boss Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Gnolls ?? ?? ?? Blackburrow Surface

Razalas Peak

Common Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)

Mini-Boss Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Salmanders Broodmother body-00040.png Melee / Caster Volcano


Common Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Urks Urk OrcLS.png Melee Keshma Surface / Orc Caves
Urk Hunter OrcXbow2.png Archer Keshma Surface / Orc Caves
Urk Bodyguard SOrcBow.png Archer Orc Caves
Urk Skirmisher OrcScim2.png Melee Keshma Surface / Orc Caves
Urk Beheader Orc2h2.png Melee Keshma Surface / Orc Caves
Bullywogs Bullywog Fighter Bullywugaxewarrior.png Melee Keshma Surface
Bullywog Wizard Bullywugdirtycaster.png Melee / Caster Keshma Surface
Bullywog Thaum Bullywugdirtycaster2.png Melee / Caster Keshma Surface
Bullywog Thief Bullywugcmdr.png Melee Keshma Surface
Sharks Mako Shark body-00054.png Melee Keshma Surface
Spiders Tree Spider body-00147.png Melee Keshma Surface
Forest Spider body-00023.png Melee Keshma Surface
Fishes Ripper Fish body-00013.png Melee Keshma Surface

Mini-Boss Bestiary

Creature Alias Picture Attack(s) Location(s)
Bullywogs Sir Gub Gub Sirpepe.png Melee Keshma Surface
Sir Gub Dub, Bullywog Thief Bullywugcmdr.png Melee Keshma Surface
Gookoo, Gubba Bullycaster1eye.png Melee Keshma Surface
Gibble Bullywuglucern.png Melee Keshma Surface
Urks Draff POrcCapt.png Melee Keshma Surface
Spiders Gargantuan Tree Spider body-00147.png Melee Keshma Surface